Washing in the shower should be a routine for everyone in the world, even if everyone has a different habit. Some people have the essential need to wash their hair every day and others choose to wash their hair every two or three days, but the differences are many.
Everyone has their own habits that they follow every time they wash and changing their habits is always difficult.

Here’s what you should definitely not do in the shower

But the interesting thing is that most of people’s showering habits are not good for health. Habits are hard to break and many are skeptical, but many of the things you do in the shower can have unimaginable consequences. Keep discovering the 30 Most Unhealthy Showering Habits Many People Should Stop Doing.

First things first: don’t wash your feet in the shower

Don’t lie to yourself: do you wash your feet in the shower? Maybe you can believe it because a lot of water runs under your feet and you don’t have to bend over and rinse your feet well. But instead it’s a bug! You are obviously tired after a long day at work or at the gym and bending over again is really tiring, and you really don’t want to. But we must never forget that the spaces between the toes accumulate a lot of dirt and bacteria during an exhausting day. Because ultimately the reason we wash is because of cleanliness, not just pure smell, right?

Second: wash your face in the shower

Undoubtedly, rinsing your face in the shower looks very simple and pleasant. The water from the shower hits your face beautifully, and why should nobody do it? However, despite the comfort and ease of washing your face in the shower, it’s not good for your facial skin at all. This is because, according to dermatologists, the skin on our face dries up and dehydrates if it remains too long under the water jet. Let’s not forget that the skin on the face is much more delicate than the rest of our body. This should be avoided in particular, as the shower water is usually warmer than the sink water which is rinsed from the face. Therefore, if you find that your face is dehydrated or irritated, it could be simply because you wash your face in the shower.

Third: forget the razor in the shower

Most people who read this know they are guilty and leave a razor on the edge of the bathtub or in the shower. But a razor can be a breeding ground for bacteria that can infect the razor and make it return home. Not only that, but the fact that the shower is a hot and humid environment is only the beginning of the big problems. Also, storing the shaver in the shower in a humid and wet environment can cause it to rust, and if you use this rusty shaver it can even cause tetanus. Hang your shaver after each shower to dry it, especially away from the shower and bathroom which are wet!

Fourth: never clean the bathtub

When was the last time you washed and cleaned the tub? Many people use the tub for both showering and bathing. But what you do in the bathtub, whether it’s relaxing in the water or washing standing up, doesn’t affect the fact that periodic cleaning of the bathtub is also necessary and important. Many microorganisms can grow and develop on the surface of the tub that are synonymous with dirt and that you would never want to get on your skin, mouth and even eyes, nostrils or ears! If you have a bathtub in your home, frequent cleaning is essential.The material of the surface and interior of the bathtub retains bacteria and dirt even more than a shower stall. Therefore, you need to make sure you wash your bathtub with the correct detergent and soap, at least twice every seven days. Furthermore,

Five: rub the skin too much with a towel

Almost everyone takes a towel after a good shower to rub their hair and body; however, there are other more effective drying methods. Rubbing the skin too hard will irritate and dry out, and it would be better to rub it gently with a towel rather than rubbing it hard, otherwise it could get damaged.

Six: do not dry yourself after a shower

As we said, it is important to gently dry off after showering, but don’t skip this step. After a routine shower is a very important process to ensure proper body care.

Seven: do not thoroughly wash the bath sponge

Tell the truth: when was the last time you washed the sponge that was hanging in the shower? Days? Months? Or maybe even years? But it can be terribly damaging to your health. Sponges, loofahs and the like are the perfect environment for battery population growth and other terrible things. Ideally, you should buy a new sponge or loofah the next time you leave the house, or another solution is to install and hang the sponge in a moisture-free environment so that it air dry.

Eight: Massage the skin too vigorously with the scrub


For some, the moment of exfoliation is crucial and very important in daily skin care. And while exfoliating your face from time to time is an important thing, doing it daily can cause more problems than it solves. Keep in mind that the skin on the body renews itself on average every 25 days, so continual, daily removal of skin cells for no reason can cause redness, irritation or dehydration. Do not stress your skin and exfoliate it only a few times a week, or if you have sensitive and delicate skin only once a week. People with oily and oily skin may find it helpful to do this more often, but it can hurt their skin every day anyway.

Nine: do not wash after training

Whether you are a morning person and prefer to exercise in the morning before work or prefer to exercise in the evening, you can never give in to laziness and feel too tired to shower. This is because bacteria trap sweat that can remain on the skin if you choose not to shower after exercise. Neglecting to shower after exercise can cause not only irritation and rashes, but also skin infections. Not to mention the simple fact that going to bed or working sweaty and smelly isn’t the best solution!

Ten: wash your hair too often

Yes, of course, everyone likes to have soft, shiny hair every day, but that’s not always possible. Freshly washed and dried hair is more beautiful than dirty hair, you know, but not everyone knows that washing your hair every day can be very harmful to the scalp. This bad habit irritates and dries the scalp, especially in the case of fine and delicate hair, it is enough to wash the hair only twice a week. On the other hand, those with curly hair and a lot of hair should try to wash them only once a week to get used to staying fresh longer.

Eleventh: staying in the shower too long or washing several times a day

A nice hot shower is one of the best things in life, especially after a long day of hard work. This is the perfect time to relax and think about nothing. But the truth is, being in the shower for too long is not good as it can drain the skin’s natural moisture. Ideally, you should stay in the shower for 5-10 minutes, no more. Also, experts say you only shower once a day. In some situations you have to do it twice a day, for example if you have been to the gym or you are at the beach and it is very hot, but in that case you have to take very short showers.

Twelve: take care to wash your shoulders too

Everyone forgets to lather their shoulders and back well, also because it is uncomfortable, it requires a certain “curve”. But this area of ​​the body is exposed to a lot of bacteria and dead cells, so it needs a lot of attention.

Thirteen: moisturizes the skin immediately after a shower

Not many people know this, but the skin should be moistened with a cream while it is still wet and not completely dry, that is, immediately after washing. This is because moisture promotes natural hydration, so it has a soothing effect that lasts longer. If you apply a moisturizer to your body or face a few hours after a shower, your skin will not be properly hydrated.

Fourteen: Take a shower of boiling water

Sure, cold water in the shower isn’t very pleasant, but it has many benefits, such as stimulating circulation, keeping skin cool, adding energy after a shower, and an antidepressant effect! On the other hand, hot water has a negative effect on the skin, mood and personal energy.

Fifteen: Apply the conditioner to the skin

Applying the conditioner all over the head, and especially on the skin, is not the right way to apply the conditioner as it only lubricates the skin and therefore the hair. Then the hair will be immediately dirty. Ideally, you should apply conditioner only to the lengths or ends. Some specialists recommend using a conditioner before washing your hair if you have very oily hair to clean it better by removing the grease.

Sixteen: dry tight hair with a towel

A very convenient and quick way to dry your hair is to wrap it in a towel like a turban right after a bath. This keeps wet strands of hair out of reach of your face, allowing you to dress and style comfortably. But not everyone knows that it can damage a lot of hair too! The hair should be dried gently and in the open air or with a hairdryer, even if it is not the best choice.

Seventeen: shaving in the shower

Everyone does it because it’s the easiest and fastest way to shave, but experts say shaving with a razor in the shower isn’t healthy at all. Running water produces moisture, which makes our skin particularly sensitive and therefore irritated. In fact, all of this is why shaving in the shower makes us feel irritated and we accidentally cut ourselves. Ideally, you should shave immediately after a shower when your skin is dry but still soft, or go straight to a beautician or professional.

Eighteen: Wash your hair with shampoo

Too persistent shampoo can dry out your hair and make it silky, as the shampoo is only intended for use on the scalp and actually degreases it. The shampoo has a degreasing, non-moisturizing effect.

Nineteen: Do not change the temperature after bathing

Taking a hot shower and then getting out of the shower is bad, it has many contraindications. It would be much better to change the temperature of the ice shower in the last 30 seconds or in the last minute of the shower. It has many benefits and can be really good for both skin and physical energy. In fact, cold water diving is associated with better stress tolerance, a better immune system, fat burning, and an antidepressant effect on mood!

Winds: leave items in the shower cabin

Almost everyone leaves some items in the shower without realizing it. Whether it’s in sponges, toothbrushes, underwear or wet swimsuits, this habit hurts a lot. The humidity that collects in the shower and bathroom, in fact, greatly favors the proliferation of bacteria and creates an ideal environment for their growth. It can even lead to mold growth!

Twenty-one: use of aggressive laundry products

When you buy personal care and shower products, you never notice the ingredients used in them. We think more about the price, that is a beautiful and original packaging, than about the active ingredients of the product. Ideally, you should use neutral products without adding chemicals. Instead of using harsh chemicals, you’d better wash them with water in the shower!

Twenty-two: Buy two-in-one shampoo and conditioner

Very often it is difficult for us to find a product that is a good fit between quality and price, so very often we are happy with things that appear to be more affordable. This often prompts us to buy a two-in-one shampoo and conditioner. But a shampoo and a conditioner essentially perform two different functions, as the shampoo serves to clean and degrease the hair, while the conditioner serves to detangle and soften the knots in the hair. Two-in-one products do neither of those two tasks and do nothing but weigh down your hair. While traveling, a two-in-one shampoo and conditioner is very convenient, but shouldn’t become a daily habit.

Twenty-three: Use a hair mask with each wash

The purpose and function of hair masks is to strengthen the hair, soften it and deeply nourish it, but too frequent use can have negative effects. The mask, in fact, should be used occasionally, at most once a week, otherwise it could weigh down and grease the hair and skin, or even have the opposite effect and dry the hair.

Twenty-four: Rinse your hair too long

Very often we are in the shower a few minutes longer than usual, especially in winter, but the jet of water due to limescale can damage the hair. Limescale makes hair dull and also tends to remove paint faster. In short, after rinsing shampoo and conditioner, it is no longer necessary to immerse your head under a jet of water!

Twenty-five: Myth plus cleansing shampoo

The myth that this shampoo equates to more cleansing needs to be debunked, because it’s just nonsense. This habit is very common and many use a lot of shampoo on their hair, or even twice, to clean and remove the oil deeper. But this is a mistake, because any type of harsh soap is used, unless a day passes before grilling, you can remove the grease and clean the hair after a wash.

Twenty Seven: Foam products are not the best products

Everyone thinks foaming soaps are the best, but that’s a mistake. The foam in the products is the effect of the surfactants present in the product and are used to destroy the fat and water particles. But if the product is too foamy, it means it has too many surfactants and thus removes too much fat, making the skin dry and rough. Unless a specialist suggests a very foaming product and “it is advisable to avoid them. The ideal is always to buy products with a pH of 5.5, which is the most alkaline level for skin care.

Twenty-eight: Clean your ears well

The ears are another part of the body that is neglected by both adults and children when washing. The ear should be cleaned thoroughly, both inside and out, with soap and water, but try to prevent too much water from getting into the ear. For infants, cleaning should be limited to the outside of the ear, using a little soapy water or a damp cloth.

Twenty-nine: wash your navel

The navel is a habitat for many bacteria and is the entrance to our body. There is also a lot of dirt in the navel, such as dust and external microorganisms. The navel should be washed with soap and water every time you shower.

Thirty: Wash your hair at the end of the shower

When you wash your hair, you usually use shampoo and conditioner, which are products intended solely for the hair and skin, not the rest of the body. Therefore, in order to get rid of shampoo and conditioner residues that can damage the skin of the body as much as possible, it would be ideal to make a shampoo and conditioner at the beginning of the wash and then finish the shower with a special soap.